Breakout Session / Wednesday / December 11, 2024 / 9:45 AM

Expanding into New Services: How Does a Convenience Services Operator Decide?

What is the future of independent ATM operators? While the independent operator took his fair share of hits during COVID, the amount of cash in use has expanded in triple digits, creating more opportunities than ever for IADs.

In addition, many banks are looking to reduce if not exit the ATM business given some of the operational challenges involved, creating more opportunities for independent operators.

Industry veterans offer some insights on how independent operators can capitalize on these opportunities.


Candra Livsey | Founder & COO | Delightful Vending
Founded by the passionate foodie Candra Livsey, Delightful Vending started from a childhood venture selling frozen treats to neighbors. Now, it stands as a leading convenience service provider in Metro Atlanta, with a commitment to environmental sustainability through partnerships with local green initiatives. As an engineer with a diversified background in marketing, SEO, operations, and customer experience, Candra has created a network of nearly 40,000 entrepreneurs nationwide. She is dedicated to helping others start in the industry and provides training on how to efficiently operate their businesses. Her unique blend of technical expertise and marketing savvy ensure that new entrepreneurs have the knowledge and resources they need to succeed, making her an invaluable mentor and leader in the community.