Breakout Session / Tuesday / December 10, 2024 / 2:15 PM
Micro Markets: A Profitable Path to Retail Growth
Micro markets represent a lucrative business opportunity for retailers and entrepreneurs, which is why this session explores the strategies and tactics needed to maximize profits and drive growth in the micro market industry.
Experts will discuss:
- Profitability analysis.
- Revenue generation strategies.
- Cost management.
- Data-driven decision making.
- Scaling micromarkets.
- Security issues.
Jeremy Cauble | Director of Strategic Innovation | Canteen North America
Jeremy Cauble, Director of Strategic Innovation for Canteen North America, has been exploring innovation in unattended retail for 15 years. Through his diversified background in marketing, digital commerce/SEO, field implementation and customer experience, Jeremy has learned how to leverage new technologies to continuously improve the shopping experience for customers in unattended retail. Quick and easy checkout, interactive shopping tools, channels for consumer engagement and feedback, and operational technologies to ensure the right product in the right place at the right time—all of these and more combined to simplify the overall shopping process and elevate customer satisfaction.